Monday, August 3, 2009



I got started back in '07 after creating custom pieces at home and working for two other clothing lines decided to do my own line and follow my dream and passion.

What does your line represent? Magu Clothing represents a vision of what class & quality should be.

Why fashion? Its my passion since a young child that and design. So figure I combine the two and launching my idea of a clothing company after realizing that my work offered a fresh variety of flawless designs, incomparable to any other.

Who are some of your fashion influences? Cant really say anyone in particular just appreciate any fashion that is unique and appealing.

Do you have any other talents or hobbies? Well I am graphic designer and business entrepreneur, hobbies include listening to music, staying up to date with the latest fashion, spending time with my family ( my girl and 2 boys, my bro, my sis, my nephews, my mom, and my dad) without them this might not be possible. They keep me striving for the best, sky's the limit.

Where could we buy your stuff?
In the Bronx ( Sapara Sapara, First Stop, Sammy's,My store @ 3128 Villa Avenue Bronx NY 10468)
In manhattan ( Cap USA, A-Jays, Washington Heights a few stores, and Harlem a few stores)
Brooklyn coming soon to "Indulge Boutique"


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