Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Name and Name of your line:My name Is D. Liedenjer but my last name is so different that people just started calling me Mr. Liedenjer. The Name of my line is Samadhi Clothing Co. Which is hindu for being at total peace and oneness with yourself. The slogan for it is "Ready for the day". What's more ready and comfortable then a t-shirt?

Who are some of your fashion influences?:Completely opposite from my line,im a big fan of Zac Posen.His sewing is impeccable and I have no idea where he comes from with some of his brilliant concepts.

Do you have any other talents or hobbies?:My hobbies other then designing would be singing,acting, and writing poetry.

Where could we buy your stuff?:My line at this moment because im so new is sold exclusively from me at WWW/MYSPACE.COM/SAMADHI12 .

In the future i see my brand being a household name and people everywhere picking up one of my tee's on there off of work days and just relaxing.

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